Ulric-Joseph Tessier

Ulric-Joseph Tessier (HM1JLP)

Location: Québec, Québec G1R 3Z3 Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec
Country: Canada
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N 46° 48.649', W 71° 12.546'

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Conseiller municipal du quartier Saint-Jean à partir de 1846, Ulric-Joseph Tessier est maire de Québec en 1853 et le sera durant un an. Il poursuivre les grands travaux entrepris par ses prédécesseurs: la construction de l'aqueduc, la canalisation des égouts et le macadamisage des rues. Avocat, il enseigne le droit à l'Université Laval. À ce titre, il accompagne le maire Joseph Morrin à Londres en 1856 et plaide les droits de Québec à devenir la capitale permanente du Canada.
Il est également député de Portneuf en 1851, ministre des Travaux publics et leader du gouvernement au Conseil législatif du Canada-Uni en 1862, sénateur en 1867. En 1873, il est nommé juge à la Cour supérieure du district de Quebec, puis promu à la Cour du banc de la reine en 1875.
Au-delà ses functions officielles, son engagement dans la création d'un ensemble de sociétés financières, telles son implication dans activités de la Caisse d'économie Notre-Dame-de-Québec et sa participation à la fondation de la Banque nationale, situe Ulric-Joseph Tessier parmi les pionniers qui allaient permettre aux francophones de pendre leur place dans la vie économique de la ville et du pays.

English translation:
Alderman of the Saint John area from 1846 Ulric-Joseph Tessier was Mayor of Quebec for one year in 1853. He continued the great work done by his predecessors: aqueduct construction, sewer pipe and macadamized streets. Lawyer, law professor at Laval University. In this capacity, he accompanied the Mayor Joseph Morrin in London in 1856 and advocates the rights of Québec to become the permanent capital of Canada.
He was also Member of Parliament for Portneuf in 1851, Minister of Public Works and leader in the Legislative Council of the Government of United Canada in 1862, Senator in 1867. In 1873 he was appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Quebec District then promoted to the Court of Queen's Bench in 1875.
Beyond his official functions, he was commitment to the creation of a set of financial companies, including his involvement in activities of the Credit Union Notre-Dame-de-Québec and his participation in the founding of the National Bank placed Ulric Joseph Tessier among the pioneers that would allow Francophones to have their place in the economic life of the city and the country.
Year Placed2001
Placed ByVille de Québec & Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 at 1:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 331462 N 5186510
Decimal Degrees46.81081667, -71.20910000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 48.649', W 71° 12.546'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 48' 38.94" N, 71° 12' 32.76" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 70 Rue Saint Louis, Québec Québec G1R 3Z3, CA
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