Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) centered his life on Springwood, the family estate. Whether starting married life with his new bride Eleanor, launching his political career, or recovering from the effects of polio, he always returned here. Springwood's natural beauty provided a place for reflection, solitude, and personal restoration. During Roosevelt's Presidency, Springwood became a setting for world-changing decisions. When FDR died in 1945, Springwood became his final resting place.
FDR (above) on Springwood's front porch (middle left with hand raised), surrounded by friends and family after winning the 1940 Presidential election.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in the estate's main house in 1882. He is pictured (right) at age 7 with his father James and mother Sara.
Franklin and Eleanor in 1906 (far right) After they married, the couple moved into Springwood with Franklin's mother Sara.
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