Centennial of Salvadoran Independence

Centennial of Salvadoran Independence (HM1NRU)

Location: Metapán, Santa Ana Municipio de Metapán
Country: El Salvador
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N 14° 19.92', W 89° 26.873'

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Estado de El SalvadorAmerica Central-XV-IX-MDCCCXXI-Distrito de MetapanDepto de Santa Ana-XV-IX-MCMXXI-LaCiudad de MetapanConsagra este recuerdo enCelebracion delCentenario de laIndependenciaNacional—- —-En tan memorable dia, la generacionPresente, da un voto de gracias a DiosE invoca sus bendiciones para laPatria y generación venideraLoor a Nuestros Proceres!Viva la Libertad! Viva Centro-America!
English translation:The State of El SalvadorCentral America-XV-IX-MDCCCXXI-(September 15, 1821)District of MetapanDepartment of Santa Ana-XV-IX-MCMXXI-(September 15, 1921)The City of MetapanConsecrates this remembrance of the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of National Independence—- —-On such a memorable day, the current generation gives thanks to God and invokes his blessing for the Country and the generations to comeTribute to our Founding Fathers! Here's to Liberty! Here's to Central America!
Year Placed1921
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 at 1:03pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16P E 235964 N 1585841
Decimal Degrees14.33200000, -89.44788333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 19.92', W 89° 26.873'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 19' 55.2" N, 89° 26' 52.38" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Av. Benjamín Estrada Valiente, Metapán Santa Ana , SV
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