Shaped like a porkchop, this quiet spring was named "Dr. Morey's Porkchop" in 1961. But this calm spring held many surprise, beginning with an eruption in 1971.For the next 14 years, Porkchop occasionally erupted through its tiny vent, earning the name "Porkchop Geyser."In 1985, Porkchop Geyser erupted and did not stop until exploding several years later!"Blown ApartImagine a geyser exploding and hurling rocks toward you. That happened to eight park visitors on September 5, 1989. Porkchop's narrow vent became constricted, throttling its flow of water and steam. Heat and pressure intensified until Porkchop blew up, throwing rocks more than 200 feet.Fortunately, the astonished visitors were not hurt. The upended rocks you see today are a result of the small hydrothermal explosion they witnessed. Porkchop's eruptions are now rare - sometimes years apart. Nobody knows what other surprises Porkchop has in store - only time will tell.
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