The collapsed sand stone building west of the sign is all that remains of the once imposing eight room, one and one-half story Commanding Officers quarters. Residences for staff officers were four, wood-framed double quarters with a captain in one-half and two lieutenants in the other half. Compared to enlisted men's barracks, the officer's quarters were luxurious. Amenities included lath and plaster walls, kitchens with cellars, and large enclosed yards.
Officer's salaries greatly exceeded those of enlisted men. They could hire servants and support a family, activities prohibited to the enlisted man. Social activities at Fort Fred Steele included dinner parties, card games, theatrical presentations, dances and outdoor activities such as fishing, hunting, ice skating and sledding. Even with these diversions, daily military life was monotonous. Opportunities for promotion were limited and usually occurred upon the retirement or death of a superior.
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