Near this location was a large Mingo town of significance during the Revolutionary period of the 1770's. The chief was Te-caugh-ye-te-righ-to, known to the settlers as Pluggy. The village consisted of perhaps 300 inhabitants. Among them were Delaware, Mohawk, Shawnee, Wyandot, and Mingo. Individuals known to have lived here were Mohawk Soloman, the Big Apple Tree, the Stone, Conesseway, Black Wolf, and the Snake. Here, too, lived Chief Logan for several years.
The village was made up of some twenty dwellings including long houses and wigwams. There was one cabin belonging to a blacksmith of French origin.
The British Commander at Fort Detroit, Henry Hamilton, had won the support of Pluggy and his warriors and convinced them to attack settlers living east and south of the Ohio River. Chief Pluggy was killed on January 1, 1777, while leading such an attack on McClellan's Station, Kentucky. This village moved further north in 1778.
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