On June 24th, 1975, the Laramie Sentinel reported, "An icehouse has been built in the bank a few feet from the prison, and some 60 tons of ice were taken out and stored in it for the use of the prison. This, also done by convict labor, besides which some 700 tons of ice were put up for the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the prisoners thus earning enough to purchase a supply of coal for fuel for the prison."
On the morning of May 30, 1903, convict James Brown was cleaning the chicken house while the guards prepared horses for Lessee N.K. Boswell and the official party ride from Laramie to Cheyenne with President Roosevelt. In their excitement, the guards locked up all the convicts, but forgot Brown. After the party rode away, Brown walked away. He was the last prisoner to ever escape from the prison.
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