"The Abbie" Historical

"The Abbie" Historical (HM1USV)

Location: Ludington, MI 49431 Mason County
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N 43° 57.204', W 86° 27.658'

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A Great Lakes Schooner

—By Tyson Snow, Ogden, Utah —

The "Abbie" was the last schooner built at the Ludington docks in 1886 for Rasmus Rasmussen. At 88 feet long, 22 feet wide, and with a 6 foot draft, this double-masted, 88-ton schooner was typical of those that sailed the Great Lakes. On most voyages it would transport "tannin bark" to the tanneries in Chicago, returning with items needed by the inhabitants of the Ludington area. The "Abbie" sailed Lake Michigan until it was lost off Portage Lake Pier on November 8, 1905 when a storm drove it ashore. One of the crew swam to safety and with the swift response of rescuers, the remaining crew members were recovered from the cabin wreckage with no loss of life.
A gift of Jack and Shirley Rasmussen
In memory of the Rasmussen, Lagesen, Vogel and Madsen families
Year Placed2015
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 at 5:06pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16T E 543250 N 4866838
Decimal Degrees43.95340000, -86.46096667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 43° 57.204', W 86° 27.658'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds43° 57' 12.24" N, 86° 27' 39.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)231
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 935-999 W Loomis St, Ludington MI 49431, US
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