The Earliest Senior Classes Of
Yale College
Were Taught Near This Spot By
Rector Abraham Pierson
1701 to 1707
( inscribed around the top )
I Give These Books For Founding A College
( back )
In Memoriam
Abraham Pierson
Viri Ingenio Doctrina Pietate Praediti
Qui, una enm A lils sui Similibus
Fundamenta Jecit Primi
Apud Connecticutenses Collegii
Cujus Primu Quoque Praeses Fuit
( English translation )
In memory of Abraham Pierson, a man of worth, learning, and piety, who, with others of like attributes, laid the foundation of the first Connecticut college, whose first president he also was.
( Inscription and translation as printed in the New York Times, September 27, 1891 )
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