History of the Farragut Area
David Glasgow Farragut was born on July 5, 1801, to Jorge and Elizabeth Farragut at Lowe's Ferry on the Tennessee River, less than five miles from present day Farragut, Tenn. He lived in this area until 1807 when the family moved to New Orleans. In 1808, Farragut was adopted by David Porter, a Commodore in the U.S. Navy. Under Porter's guidance, Farragut entered the Navy with his midshipman's warrant in 18010 at nine years of age. In the years that followed, in one assignment after another, he showed the high ability and devotion to duty that would allow him to make a great contribution to the Union victory in the Civil War and to write a famous pate in the history of the United States Navy.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Farragut immediately declared his loyalty to the Union. In April 1862, Farragut commanded the West Gulf Blockading Squadron with his flagship the USS Hartford. After a heavy bombardment, Farragut ran post Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip and the Chalmette batteries to take the city and port of New Orleans on April 29, a decisive event in the war. Congress honored him by creating the rank of rear admiral on July 16, 1862, a rank never before used in the U.S. Navy.
On Aug. 5, 1864, Farragut won a great victory in the Battle of Mobile Bay. During the battle, Farragut lashed himself to the Hartford's
rigging in an effort to see over the smoke. Farragut could see the ships pulling back from his high perch. "What's the trouble?" was shouted through a trumpet from the flagship to the USS Brooklyn. "Torpedoes!" was shouted back in reply. "Damn the torpedoes!" said Farragut. "Four bells, Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!" Charging through the torpedo field without any losses, the Union fleet poured into the bay to do battle with Buchanan's ships. Driving away the Confederate gunboats, Farragut's ships closed on the CSS Tennessee and battered the rebel vessel into submission.
It was with the taking of Mobile that Farragut's active service came to an end. On Dec. 21, 1864, Lincoln promoted Farragut to vice admiral, a previously unknown title in the American service. In April 1865, Vice Admiral Farragut served as a pallbearer in President Lincoln's funeral. In 1866, Congress created the rank of admiral and immediately promoted Farragut to the new grade.
From May 1867 to November 1868, with his flag flying on the USS Franklin, Admiral Farragut took his final cruise. He toured Europe as admiral of the European Squadron in an effort to promote peaceful relations with the United States. Upon returning home, he remained in the service despite declining health. on Aug. 14, 1870, at the age of 69, he quietly passed away. In the last scene, he was surrounded
by his family and loving friends, including many of his comrades in arms. he died — as he had lived — under the old flag, to which his bravery, skill and fidelity had given an added glory. Admiral David Glasgow Farragut is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in New York. Over 10,000 sailors and soldiers marched in his funeral procession, including President Ulysses S. Grant.
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