Temple of Xtoloc Historical

Temple of Xtoloc Historical (HM1X8T)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.842', W 88° 34.131'

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Templo del XtolocRecibe su nombre del Cenote Xtoloc, el segundo gran cenote en el centro de Chichén Itzá, junto al cual se situa. Su función probable fue el culto religioso, quizá relacionado con el cenote, y su construcción data de 900 a 1200 d.C. En las pilastras del
templo hay personajes esculpidos que representan guerreros y sacerdotes. En el interior de la tercera camara, originalmente decorada con relieves de plantas, pájaros y escenas mitológicas, existe un altar; frente a éste fue localizada debajo del piso, una caja de ofrendas que contenía restos humanos. Su fachada mira hacía el Poniente y a través de una alineación que contiene un sencillo altar, un pavimento formado de piedras planas y un afloramiento natural de roca delimitado por unas filas de piedra
labrada, la entrada central del templo se relaciona, fisicamente, con el sacbé 15 y la plataforma de El Osario.Maya-Yucateco:K'u' Najil XtolokKu taal u k'aaba' ti' le ts'ono'otil xtoloko', u ka'ap'éelil nojoch ts'ono'ot tu chúumukil Chi' ch'e'en itsa', yaan tu
tséel. Mii meyajnaj tia'al k'ulintaj, mii yaan ba'ax u yil yéetel le ts'ono'oto', yéetel u betpajlile' ku ts'a'abal ti' 900-1200 ts'o'okol ki'ichkelem yuum. Tu wa'ala'an pak'il le k'u najo' yaan t'oja'an máako'ob ku ye'esiko'ob jba'ate'ilo'ob yéetel yuum k'iino'ob. Ichil
le yóoxp'éel
ichililo', yáaxe jats'utskiinsa'an yéetel u chiikulil xiiwo'obe, ch'iich'o'ob yéetel u ye'esa'alil úuchben ba'alo'obe, yaan jump'éel teemi'; tu táan lela' kaxta'ab yáanal le lu'milo', jump'éel ba'asil
k'uubo'ob yaan ka'ach baakelilo'ob máak ichil. U táanile' tya'an chik'ine'
yéetel ti' jump'éel tsóol yaan ti' jump'éel chan teem, jump'éel bej beeta'an yéetel jaay tuunicho'ob yéetel nojoch tuunicho'ob bak'pachta'an tumen jayp'éel tsóolo'obil t'oja'an tuunicho'ob, u chúumuk yokolil le k'u' najo yaan ba'ak u yil, ti' u wiinklile', yéetel le sak bej 15 yéetel le ka'anal but'bil lu'umil le baakelo'obo' wa Osario.English:Temple of XtolocThis temple is located beside the Xtoloc Cenote, which is the second largest "cenote" (sinkhole) in the center of Chichén Itzá, and from which it receives its name. It probably was used in religious ceremonies, perhaps related to the "cenote". Its construction dates from 900 to 1200 A.D. On the pillars of the temple there are sculptured personages representing warriors and priests. There is an altar in the interior of the third chamber, originally decorated with bas-reliefs of plants, birds and mythological scenes. In front of it and beneath the floor a container of offerings with human remains was found. The facade faces west and due to
an alignment which includes a simple altar,
a path of stone slabs and a natural rock outcroping, marked by rows of cut stone, the central entrance of the temple relates physically to Sacbé 15 and the platform of the Ossuary.
HM NumberHM1X8T
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, March 12th, 2017 at 1:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336591 N 2287600
Decimal Degrees20.68070000, -88.56885000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.842', W 88° 34.131'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 50.52" N, 88° 34' 7.86" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Yucatán , MX
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