The Nunnery Patios and Ball Court Historical

The Nunnery Patios and Ball Court Historical (HM1X9Q)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.685', W 88° 34.25'

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Patios este, suroeste y juego de pelota de las MonjasComplementan al conjunto de las Monjas dos patios con
edificios del estilo Puuc, probablemente habitados por
algún linaje o grupo de nivel social alto, así como un Juego de Pelota con banquetas decoradas con relieves de jugadores en el este, noreste
y sur.Del patio este destacan su fachada superior compuesta
por mascarones de dioses narigudos y celosias, y la fachada este de Las Monjas, con elementos decorativos del estilo Chenes, originario del suroeste de la península de Yucatán, que asemejan una gran fauce abierta debajo de un personaje sentado en una banda celeste y rodeado de plumas con una larga inscripción.El Patio suroeste es pequeño, sobresale en el sur una estructura cuya banqueta presenta relieves de Guerreros.Maya-Yucateco:Ku chupesiko'ob u kúuchil Moonja'obe' ka'a p'éel táankab yéetel najo'ob je'e bix u najilo'ob Pu'uke', tu'ux míij kajlaj jun p'éel ayik'al ch'i'ibal, yaan xan u kúuchilu báaxta'al wóol yéetel u pak'ilo'ob jadzutzkíinta'an yéetel u yoochel aj báaxalo'ob tu lak'inil, tu táan nojol chi'inil yéetel tu nojolil.Te' lak'in táankabo' jadzutz u ka'analil u táan tumeen yaan u pix ichil k'uio'ob nuuktak u ni'ob yéetel celosía'ob; tu lak'in ich Moonja'obe' jadzutzkíinta'ab je'e bix u beetik le ch'eeno'ob
ku taalo'ob tu táan nojol chik'inil u petenil Yucatáne', lela' jach chíika'an ti' jump'éel u nojoch chi' báalam jaapal yáanal juntúul máak kulukbal ti' jump'éel u tzéel ka'an yéetel báa'pachta'an tumeen k'u'uk'umo'ob chowak u dzíibilo'ob.Le táankab yaan tu táan nojol chi'ino' chichan, tu nojolile' jach chíika'an jump'éel chowak pak'tu'ux yaan u yoochel aj ba'ate'elo'ob. English:The Nunnery complex is
complemented by two patios with Puuc style buildings, probably inhabited by nobility or members of a high social class, as well as a Ball Court
decorated with reliefs featuring players on the east, northeast, and south sides.The upper facade of the East Patio is notable for its
latticework and sculpted masks of gods with prominent noses. The eastern
facade of the Nunnery has decorative elements in the Chenes style, which
originated in the southwestern part of the Yucatán Peninsula; the entrance resembles a cavernous mouth below a dignitary seated on a sky-band inside a niche of arched feathers. There is a long inscription above the door.On the small Southwest Patio, there is a structure with a
warrior relief on the extended back wall of a longbench.
HM NumberHM1X9Q
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)-INAH
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, March 14th, 2017 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)31N E 166021 N 0
Decimal Degrees20.67808333, -88.57083333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.685', W 88° 34.25'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 41.1" N, 88° 34' 15" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Yucatán , MX
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