The Federal Garrison at Franklin centered on the earthworks fortification on Figuers' Bluff. Detached works included Gen Granger's headquarters at a smaller works some 700 yards east at Ralston Lane, gun emplacement on Liberty Pike east of Ralston lane, Roper's Knob observation post, small earthern fort near the Harpeth River west of the railroad, and gun emplacement on Franklin Pike across from present-day Harlinsdale farm. By April 1863, 7,922 Federal troops were stationed at Fort Granger including 2728 cavalry. Campsites, drill fields, sentry posts, stables, and storage facilities occupied the area from Murfreesboro Pike to fields west of Franklin Pike. Warehouses and corrals along with guard posts were situated near the well-guarded railroad, the site of present-day Jamison Station.
Save the Battlefield, Inc.
Greater New Orleans Foundation and Robert M. Hearin, Jr.
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