The Plaza of the Dancers

The Plaza of the Dancers (HM2047)

Location: El Pueblito, Querétaro 76900 Corregidora Municipality
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 33.078', W 100° 26.561'

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Plaza de la Danza
Esta plaza es la más grande del centro ceremonial,
mide 70 metros en sentido oriente a poniente y 120 metros de longitud de sur a norte. Es nombrada de
esta manera debido a que hace algunos años en este espacio se realizaba la escenificación de la Muerte del Soldado y la Batalla del Moro, una danza tradicional de las fiestas de El Pueblito. Para su construcción fue
necesario nivelar el terreno por medio de muros formando grandes cajones de piedra laja, rellenados con tierra y piedra. El único acceso a la plaza es por una escalinata construida en el muro de contención oriente, misma que se alinea con la escalinata oriente de la Pirámide en dirección al cerro Gordo.Actualmente su aspecto es el de una plaza limpia, sin embargo en la época prehispánica era delimitada al sur por una amplia sala con columnas y a lo largo de ella había numerosos altares.Pie de dibujos:Vista aérea de la Pirámide, Plaza de la Danza y de las EsculturasUbicación de la Plaza de la DanzaPuntas de proyectil y hachas encontradas como ofrendas en la plazaSantuario del Pueblito y Pirámide. Ajofrin 1764English:
The Plaza of the Dancers
This square is the largest of the ceremonial center. It measures 70 meters from east to west and
120 meters from south to north. Its name comes from the fact that this space has been used for many years to host the traditional dances of the "Death of the Soldier" and the "Battle of the Moor" that make up part of the annual festival of El Pueblito. For its construction it was necessary to level the ground by means of stone walls that formed large 'boxes' that were then filled with earth and stone. The only access to the square is a stairway built on the eastern containment wall, which is aligned with the eastern stairway of the Pyramid in the direction of the nearby Cerro Gordo (Fat or Large Hill). Today, it looks like an unadorned plaza, however in the pre-Hispanic era it was delimited to the south by a wide series of rooms made out of columns. Along the series of rooms were numerous altars. Captions: An aerial view of the Pyramid, Plaza of the Dancers and of the Sculptures Location of the Plaza of the Dancers Projectile points and axes found as offerings in the plaza The Sanctuary Church of El Pueblito and Pyramid. Ajofrin, 1764
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HM NumberHM2047
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 at 7:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 349608 N 2273154
Decimal Degrees20.55130000, -100.44268333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 33.078', W 100° 26.561'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 33' 4.6800000000002" N, 100° 26' 33.66" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Av Don Bosco, El Pueblito Querétaro 76900, MX
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