By 1880 improvements to the Toll Road allowed the establishment of a stage line from Bonanza City to Challis. Along the Toll Road several stations provided services for drivers, and passengers. Eleven Mile Barn provided drivers an opportunity to hitch up fresh horses and allow passengers to rest before continuing north over Mill Creek Summit or south to the Yankee Fork Mines.
The daily stage run over the Toll Road cost passengers $5.00 for a one-way trip, took 8-9 hours and included three changes of fresh horses. Changes took place at Eleven Mile Barn, Toll Gate and Slab Barn on Pine Summit. During the winter months, when travel conditions were difficult travelers were often forced to make overnight stops on their way to and from Challis.
"Passengers leaving here (Bonanza) at 4 o'clock in the morning will reach Challis the same day about noon, and arrive in Blackfoot at 8 p.m. the next day, in time to take the south bound train." - Yankee Ford Herald, May 8, 1880
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