Nationalization of the Railroads of Mexico - 1937

Nationalization of the Railroads of Mexico - 1937 (HM23R6)

Location: Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla 72000 Puebla
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 3.192', W 98° 12.246'

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Nacionalización de los ferrocarriles en México - 1937Como parte de la política desarrollo económico del país que impulsó el gobierno del presidente Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940) se consideró fundamental culminar la obra de integración geográfica del país, mediante vías férreas que comunicaran las regiones que tradicionalmente habían permanecido aisladas. Fue entonces que comenzó la construcción de las líneas Caltzontzin-Apatzingán, Sonora-Baja California y Allende-Campeche, las dos últimas inauguradas en 1948 y 1950, respectivamente.Otra medida que buscó fortalecer este ramo se dio a partir del acuerdo firmado el 7 de abril de 1936 por Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas mediante su
Departamento de Ferrocarriles y Vías Terrestres en el que se planteó que éste se hiciera cargo de la construcción de líneas ferroviarias.
Aunado a esto, el gobierno, que era accionista mayoritario de la Empresa Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México (el resto pertenecía a inversionistas extranjeros), se vio obligado a implementar medidas para remediar la situación de quiebra y deterioro creciente del sistema ferroviario. Para lograrlo se pensó en expropiar la empresa, argumentando utilidad pública y beneficio de la Nación. El acuerdo expropiatorio contempló la creación de un organismo de Estado, con autonomía patrimonial,
que se encargara de manejar el sistema
ferroviario expropiado, así como las líneas construidas o en construcción que fuesen propiedad de empresas semioficiales. Este fue el antecedente para crear el Departamento Autónomo de Ferrocarriles. El 29 de junio de 1937, tras amplio debate, la Cámara de Senadores apoyó la expropiación ferroviaria, gracias a la cual el Estado logró consolidar su papel como activo participante en las actividades productivas del país.
English translation: Nationalization of the Railroads of Mexico - 1937 As part of the economic development policy for the nation that was promoted by the government of President Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940), it was considered essential to complete the work of geographical integration of the country, through railways that communicated with the regions that had traditionally been more isolated. It was then that the construction of the Caltzontzin-Apatzingán, Sonora-Baja California and Allende-Campeche lines began, the last two inaugurated in 1948 and 1950, respectively.Another measure that sought to strengthen this work was of the agreement signed on April 7, 1936 by the Ministry of Communications and Public Works through its Department of Railways and Highways, in which it was proposed that it take over the construction of railway lines.
Added to this, the government, which
was a majority shareholder of the Mexican National Railroad Company (Empresa Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México) (the rest belonged to foreign investors), was forced to implement measures to remedy the bankruptcy threat and the growing deterioration of the railway system. To achieve this, it was thought best to nationalize the company, arguing for the public utility and benefit of the nation. The expropriation agreement contemplated the creation of a State agency, with patrimonial autonomy, that would be in charge of managing the nationalized railroad system, as well as any lines built or under construction that were owned by semi-official companies. This was the antecedent used to create the Autonomous Department of Railroads. On June 29, 1937, after extensive debate, the Chamber of Senators supported the expropriation of railroads, thanks to which the State managed to consolidate its role as an active participant in the productive activities of the country.
HM NumberHM23R6
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 583743 N 2106903
Decimal Degrees19.05320000, -98.20410000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 3.192', W 98° 12.246'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 3' 11.52" N, 98° 12' 14.76" W
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Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1005 Calle 11 Nte., Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza Puebla 72000, MX
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