Ten thousand years ago, Fort Rock was prime real estate for cave-dwelling families. Food was plentiful and there was a great lake where you stand. Walk the trail of this giant "tuff ring" and you'll discover dynamic strands of nature woven through what, on the surface, may seem like desolate country.
Ancient Beaches
While the level of the lake was always changing, wind-driven waves eroded the walls of Fort Rock.
In places, waves cut notches and terraces in the rock.
Each notch represents a prehistoric shoreline - ancient beaches separated by thousands of years.
Where you are standing, you would be under 183 feet of water when the ancient lake was at its deepest.
A Delicate Balance
Despite its rugged looks, the Fort Rock area is actually quite fragile. The trails afford visitors an opportunity to view it up close. Please limit your activities to trails and leave the remainder for plants and animals that call this special place home.
The Living Landscape
Sagebrush and native grasses share the Fort Rock basin with colorful wildflowers.
Deer, coyotes and reptiles abound, as do the foods on which they depend. Rock cliffs offer sanctuary to a rich mix of birds, some seldom seen elsewhere in Oregon.
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