Declaracion aprobada por la Asamblea Nacional en Paris, Francia el 26 de agosto de 1789. En homenaje a sus 200 años y la universalidad y vigencia de sus principios, se erige este monumento, como recordatorio permanente al estado y sus ciudadanos de su fiel cumplimiento.Corte Suprema de JusticiaAsociacion de Diplomaticos de GuatemalaComision Guatemalteca del Bicentenario de la Revolucion Francesa y de la Declaracion de los Derechos del Hombe y del CiudadanoGuatemala, 26 de agosto 1989
Marcador adicional: "Ya es hora de devolver a las mujeressu dignidad perdida y quecontribuyan a la reforma del mundo" Mary Woollstonecraft/1792
English translation:The Declaration approved by the National Assembly in Paris, France on August 26, 1789. In homage to its 200 years and the universality and validity of its principles, this monument is erected, as a permanent reminder to the state and its citizens of its faithful compliance. Supreme Court of Justice Association of Diplomats of Guatemala Guatemalan Commission of the Bicentennial of the French Revolution and of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Guatemala, August 26, 1989
Additional marker:
"It is time to return to women their lost dignity and that they contribute to the reform of the world" Mary Woollstonecraft, 1792
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