This bas-relief, the original of which was erected on Bennington Battlefield on Walloomsac Heights in the State of New York by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, was dedicated by
Eugene Bucklin Bowen
to the memory of the six hundred and more volunteer patriots of Berkshire County about one hundred of whom, under the commands of Col. Joab Stafford, Col. Samuel Low and Capt. Daniel Brown of Cheshire, participated in the Battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777, and to his Revolutionary War ancestors, John Bucklin, Jeremiah Bucklin, Joseph Brown, John Eaton, Luther Topliffe, Ephriam Bliss, Joshua Smith, Daniel Smith, David Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Benjamin Slocum, Simeon Brown, Samuel Aldrich, and David Cushing.
Washington Bicentennial Year 1932
[Bas-relief inscriptions, top and bottom, read]
Berkshire Volunteer Patriots in Bennington Battle
Parson Thos. Allen — Col Joab Stafford — Col Benj. Simonds — Col. David Rossiter — Stockbridge Indians
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