Sloan's Point Lookout was a prefabricated lookout tower built by the Aeromotor (sic) Company. One of 200 such structures in the Northwest, the Aeromotor
In 1934, the unassembled lookout arrived in McCall. Brothers Neal and Willard Boydstun drove the materials to a ridge one half mile east of Paddy Flat Ranger Station. The Boydstuns then made a 'trailer" using a wagon axle pulled behind a horse to pack the tower parts up a narrow climb. Once on site, Gus Poro and Neal Boydstun pored concrete piers and erected Sloan's 72 ft. lookout tower with cab. The following summer Victor Ax, a local carpenter, built the Rocky Mountain stye log cabin and a privy near the tower's base.
In 2000, Sloan's Tower was dismantled and brought to Central Idaho Historical Museum by retired Forest Service employee Ed Allen and his son. In 2006, Richard Holm Jr. and a group of volunteers restored the lookout and reassembled a 22 ft. section on site for the Museum. Twenty four individuals and twelve business contributed time, money, materials and labor. The authentic weather station was contributed by Larry Kingsbury, Payette National Forest Archeologist.
Elevation: 6280 · Size: Cab 7'x7'x9'; Tower 72' (Tower #2/Tower Aerial #5) · Staffed: 1934-1970 · Type: Aermotor · Location: Payette
National Forest, T16N, R4E Section 11
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