Mission » Launch Vehicle » Dates » Crew » Pad » HighlightsAPOLLOApollo 4 Saturn V - Nov. 9, 1967: Unmanned» Pad A - Saturn V's First Flight TestApollo 6 Saturn V - April 4, 1968: Unmanned» Pad A - Second Saturn V Flight TestApollo 8 Saturn V - Dec. 21-27, 1968: Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., William Anders» Pad A - Man's First Journey To Lunar OrbitApollo 9 Saturn V - March 3-13, 1969: James A. McDivitt, David R. Scott, Russell L. Schwelckart» Pad A - Lunar Spaceships Tested in Earth OrbitApollo 10 Saturn V - May 18-26, 1969: Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young, Eugene A. Cernan» Pad B - Dress Rehearsal for Lunar LandingApollo 11 Saturn V - July 16-24, 1969: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr» Pad A - First Man on Moon - Tranquility BaseApollo 12 Saturn V - Nov. 14-24, 1969: Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard F. Gordon, Jr., Alan L. Bean» Pad A - Second Manned Landing-Ocean of StormsApollo 13 Saturn V - April 11-17, 1970: James A. Lovell, Jr., Fred W. Halse, Jr., John L. Swigert, Jr.» Pad A - Crew Returns Safely; Moon Landing AbortedApollo 14 Saturn V - Jan. 31-Feb 9, 1971: Alan B. Shepard, Stuart A. Roosa, Edgar D. Mitchell» Pad A - Fra Mauro Site of Third Lunar LandingApollo 15 Saturn V - July 26-Aug. 7, 1971: Donald R. Scott,
View of the launch pad looking west from the marker location.
James B. Irwin, Alfred M. Worden, Jr.» Pad A - Rugged Hadley Appennines Fourth Landing SiteApollo 16 Saturn V - April 16-27, 1972: John W. Young, Thomas K. Mattingly, II, Charles M. Duke, Jr.» Pad A - Fifth Crew Lands in Descartes HighlandsApollo 17 Saturn V - Dec. 7-19, 1972: Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, Harrison H. Schmitt» Pad A - Final Lunar Visit Made to Taurus-Littrow
SKYLABSkylab 1 Saturn V - May 14, 1973:Unmanned» Pad A - America's First Space Station LaunchedSkylab 2 Saturn IB - May 25-June 22, 1973: Charles Conrad, Jr., Joseph P. Kerwin, Paul J. Weitz» Pad B - First Skylab Crew Visit Lasts 26 DaysSkylab 3 Saturn IB - July 28-Sept 25, 1973: Alan L. Bean, Owen K. Garriot, Jack Robert Lousma» Pad B - Second Crew Mans Station 56 DaysSkylab 4 Saturn IB - Nov. 16, 1973-Feb. 8, 1974: Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson, William Pogue» Pad B - Final Crew Mans Skylab for 84 Days
APOLLO/SOYUZ TEST PROJECT (ASTP)ASTP Saturn IB - July 15-24, 1975: Donald K. Slayton, Thomas P. Stafford, Vance Brand» Pad B - Manned American/Soviet Spacecraft Joined in Space
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