Tancoyol...voz huasteca que significa lugar del dátil silvestre, de su verde y feraz valle surgio representada en la fachada de esta Mision la Misericordia de la Luz. Empresa civilizadora cuyos sentimientos plasmados en su portada con una iconografía que canta a la vida, en memoria de tan significativo acontecimiento, a 250 años de su creación, sociedad y gobierno rinden testimonio de admiracion a los frailes y a nuestros antepasados los indios pames, quienes con su abnegación y sacrificio hicieron posible esta obra.Mayo de 1994
English translation:Tancoyol ... a word in huasteca that means the place of the wild date, its green and fertile valley is represented on the facade of this Mission the Mercy of the Light. A civilizing work whose meaning is embodied on its facade with symbolism that sings to life. In memory of the 250 years since the significant event of its creation, society and government testify to their admiration of the friars and our ancestors the Pames, who with their self-denial and sacrifice made this work possible. May 1994
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