Colonel B.F. Terry

Colonel B.F. Terry (HM2B5F)

Location: Houston, TX 77007 Harris County
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N 29° 45.897', W 95° 23.143'

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February 18, 1821 - December 17, 1861

Native of Kentucky. Came to Texas, 1831. Member Secession Convention. Commanded reinforcements of State troops sent to Rio Grande for the capture of Federal Army property at Fort Brown. Went to Virginia hoping to be in first battle of war. Cited for valuable volunteer service in First Battle of Manassas; scouting, reporting, and shooting down the flag staff thus lowering the Union's flag floating over the courthouse. Returned to Texas with orders to raise cavalry regiment which soon attained fame as Terry's Texas Rangers. Killed Woodsonville, Kentucky while leading unit's first charge. His loyal Rangers carried his name until war's end. Terry County named in his honor.

In this plot also rest:
Mrs. B. F. Terry
Two Terry children
Mrs. William Thatcher (Terry's daughter)
Thatcher infant
HM NumberHM2B5F
Year Placed1963
Placed ByThe State of Texas
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 5th, 2018 at 11:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15R E 269328 N 3295125
Decimal Degrees29.76495000, -95.38571667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 29° 45.897', W 95° 23.143'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds29° 45' 53.82" N, 95° 23' 8.58" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)281, 713
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1795-1799 Memorial Dr, Houston TX 77007, US
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