The pioneer began their trek across the continent with expectations of a new life. In sparsely populated California they could have land with fertile soil and a pleasant climate.
They heard about the wonders of California through letters sent back home from earlier pioneers and newspaper accounts. Some of the Donner Party members had also purchased The Emigrant Guide to Oregon and California, a popular guide book of the day written by Lansford Hastings. Hasting's book described the ease with which the journey could be made.
(Side bar on right:)
Who wants to go to California without costing them anything? As many as eight young men, of good character, who can drive ox team, will be accommodated by gentlemen who will leave this vicinity about the first of April. Come boys! You can have as much land as you want without costing you anything. The government of California gives large tracts of land to persons who have to move there. The first suitable persons to apply, will be engaged.
G. Donner and Others
From an advertisement placed by George Donner - Springfield, Illinois - March 18, 1846 - one year almost to the day, before he died here in Alder Creek Valley
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