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Lincoln Highway. . This monument was erected in recognition of the historical significance of this transportation corridor by the Placer County Water Agency and dedicated to the California Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association. Ophir Road was…
Hobart Mills. . This Monument Marks the Townsite of Hobart Mills California A logging and lumber enterprise of sixty-six years life in the Sierra Nevada Mountains It Commemorates and Honors its Founder Walter Scott Hobart 1839 -…
Hobart Mills. . Walter Scott Hobart's Sierra Nevada Wood & Lumber Company moved machinery, buildings and railroad equipment here from Lake Tahoe in 1896. The town and business flourished for 40 years. Ceasing operations in 1936. Fiberboard Corpora…
First Meeting of the USC Board of Trustees. . The Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California met for the first time on September 3, 1880, culminating years of efforts by leaders of the Methodist Episcopal Conference of Southern Cal…
Westward Ho!. . The pioneer began their trek across the continent with expectations of a new life. In sparsely populated California they could have land with fertile soil and a pleasant climate. . They heard about the wonders of California throu…
A Family Heads West. . The Donner family and their hired teamsters left Springfield, Illinois in April, 1846. At Independence, Missouri, their wagons joined hundreds of others traveling west on the Oregon-California Trail. . . The New Captain…
Shelter From the Storm. . With threatening weather overhead, the Donners quickly set up camp. Crowded into inadequate shelters, these desperate people watched it snow. . As the snow got deeper, it wiped out all hope of leaving before spring. . …
Donner Camp Tree. . Near this spot stood the tree which marked what was believed to be the campsite of the family of George Donner in the winter of 1846. The tree stood for 150 years (missing) the Donner families camped in Alder Creek before it su…
Cahuenga Pass Treasure. At The Hollywood Bowl. . Treasure hunters believe there is 20th-century loot hidden at the Bowl. Many have searched, but the treasure is still a mystery. . . The legend of the Cahuenga Pass treasure begins in 1864 whe…
Adobe Flores. . Headquarters of General Jose Maria Flores before the capitulation to General John C. Fremont, January 13, 1847, at Cahuenga.
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