In memory of
the Delawareans who gave
their lives in the Korean War,
1950 — 1953
Thomas J. Angeline
Frank Biselis
Paul L. Brittingham
William J. Clark
Le Roy M. Cooke
Samuel L. Crawford
Howard B. Davis, Jr.
Vernon L. De Shields
William F. Di Domenicis
Paul N. Dill
Joseph P. Donahue
Edward J. Durney, Jr.
Kenneth Flamer
Charles H. Fleming, Jr.
Wayne W. Ford
Thomas R. Galley
Joseph S. Gliniak
John M. Godwin
Louis Carson Hairsine
Gene O. Hanzer
C. J. Hare
Paul J. Henry
Herman T. Till
Paul L. Hitch
Richard D. Hutchinson
Robert W. Irwin
James Johnson
William S. Kempen
Calvin P. Kidder, Jr.
Timothy E. Kimball
Melvin B. King
Roland L. King
Carl Knight
Laurence C. Layton
DAvid Leyshon
William A. Lockwood
James T. Mc Bride
John G. Mc Cullin
Donald L. Mc Ginnis
Allen D. Mac Lean
Thomas C. Mays
Charles G. Messick
John W. Miller
Howard J. Morgan
Henry S. Morton
Henry Moss, Jr.
Perry D. Owens
Harry J. Parker
Adelchi Petrillo
Gordon Pirnie
John H. Poore
Paul E. Robertson
Albert M. Salgado
Leroy Shahan
Darrell R. Steele
T. Stevens
William S. Tawes
Richard B. Taylor
Irwin M. Tindall
Fred Toomey
John E. Walker
Lloyd R. Warfield
William J. Weber
Norman L. Whaley
William P. Winnington, Jr.
Charles F. Wright
Erected 1988 by the Council of the City of Wilmington, with cooperation of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Relocated & Dedicated
in 2003
by the Korean War Veterans Assoc.
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