Born Havana, Cuba Nov. 20, 1788
Died St. Augustine, Fl. Feb. 25, 1853
Seminal thinker of Cuban liberty, priest, educator, philosopher, orator and author, defender of human and civil rights in Cuba and in the United States, father to needy Irish immigrants, promoter of Catholic education and of harmony between Catholics and Protestants, pioneer of Catholic journalism in North America, forerunner in the field of social welfare, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York 1829 - 1853
Founder of this parish 1827
Fundador de la nacionalidad Cubana, presbitero, educador, filosofo, orador y escritor, defensor de los derechos humanos y civiles en Cuba y en los Estados Unidos, padre de los desamparados Inmigrantes Irlandeses, promotor de la education Catholica y la convivencia entre Catholicos y Protestantes, pionero del periodismo Catholico en Norte-America, precursor en el campo del bienestar social, Vicario General de la Arguidiocesis de Nueva York 1829-1853, fundador de esta parroquia 1827.
This plaque commemorates the 200th anniversary of his birth, New York November 20, 1988
The Felix Varela Foundation
Founder: Very Rev. Msgr. Raul Del Valle, P.A.
Union de Cubanos en el Exile
Founder: Most Rev. Eduardo Boza Masvidal, D.D.
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