The stone at the gable reads, “First Congregational Church, A.D. 1868, Founded 1841.”
The dark metal plaque between the doors reads, “Welsh American Heritage Museum, 1971. Founders of the Museum: Rev. James A. M. Hanna Th. M., minister, Oak Hill and Horeb Presbyterian Churches; Mildred Jenkins Bangert, President, W.A.H.M.S. and Cardiff Club. Gloria in Exelsis Deo • Laborare Est Orare. Welsh Congregational Church, Erected 1868, Organized 1841. 4 July 1776 — 4 July 1976.”
The white stone tablet between the doors is in Welsh and is a memorial dedication to the Reverend William Parry, native of Wales, who died in Granville, Ohio, in 1875.
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