Chickamauga Campaign Heritage Trail
In late August 1863, the Federal Army of the Cumberland began moving toward Georgia. On the extreme right of the Federal lines, the XX Army Corps, commanded by Major General Alexander M. McCook began advancing across Lookout Mountain with Alpine, Summerville, and Rome, Georgia as the objective line of march.
Federal cavalry regiments commanded by Major General David Stanley reconnoitering far in front of the main body of the XX Army Corps, arrived in Summerville, from Alpine on September 6, 1863 and skirmished with Confederate cavalry near this site.
September 7, 1863—Federal cavalry return to Summerville and skirmish again with Confederate cavalry.
September 8, 1863—Confederate General Wheeler arrives in Summerville
No. 70 Summerville, GA
September 8, 1863
I. General Wharton will detail 300 of his best officers and men, armed with long-range guns, to join General Forrest in a reconnaissance of the enemy's position.
II. This detail will report to General Forrest at Alpine at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and will, as far as possible, include those officers and men who, having already scouted the mountain, are familiar with that section of the country.
III. They will carry two day's rations a feed
or corn in their forage sacks and will be provided with 80 rounds of ammunition per man.
IV. General Wharton will select a good colonel to command the detail.
V.The commanding officer at Alpine will be instructed to direct an officer with a company to follow this detail and establish a line of couriers from Alpine, the stand not be more than 4 miles apart.
By order of Major General Joseph Wheeler
Major and Assistant Adjutant General
September 8, 1863 - - 8:00 a.m.
Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest reports to General Wheeler that he is at Gower's (Gore's Gap on Taylor's Ridge) with a cavalry brigade and six pieces of artillery; and that he is expecting another brigade by 12 o'clock noon.
September 10, 1863—Skirmish in Summerville. Federals take possession of the town.
September 13, 1863—Skirmish near Summerville.
September 15, 1863—Skirmish in Summerville.
September 19-20 1863—The Battle of Chickamauga.
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