This Tablet erected in honor of those who served from the Town of Morehouse in World War II
George F. Remonda Died in Service
Raymond E. Boh George Lewis
Nelson G. Easton Claude L. Pardee
Kenneth J. Edick Elmer D. Partello
Henry A. Erb Leonard E. Remond
James E. Fraser James E. Russ
Charles V. Hoffmeister John E. Russ
Elon V. Houghtaling William E. Smith
Edward F. Kipp Lawrence H. Uebble
Henry F. Kreuzer William A. William
This Tablet erected in honor of those who served from the Town of Morehouse in World War I
Hoffmeister, George F.
Kreuzer, Floyd A.
Partello, Charles M.
Partello, Malvin A.
Remonda, Elias E.
Remonda, James F.
Remonda, Russell C.
Uebble, Charles T.
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