Crann Seoil / 1601 Galleon Mast

Crann Seoil / 1601 Galleon Mast (HM2JD7)

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N 51° 42.222', W 8° 31.194'

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I 1588 shocraigh Philip III, i ndiaidh theip Armáid na Spáinne agus scrios phéire eile i stoirmeacha i mblianta deiridh Philip II, go dtabharfadh sé tacaíocht dhíreach do lucht éirí amach na hÉireann a bhí ag troid Shasana le súil agus go mbeadh na Sasanaigh chomh tógtha suas aige seo go dtógfaidís cuid eile dá n-acmhainní óna hEastáit Ollannacha, a gcomhghuaillithe san Ísiltír - dream a bhí i mbun réabhlóide i gcoinne riail na Spáinne le fada an lá. Chuir Philip III, Don Juan del Aguila agus Don Diego Brochero chun bealaigh go hÉirinnle 6000 fear agus méid suntasach arm agus urchar. Scaip drochaimsir na báid agus b'éigean do naoi gcinn a raibh formhór an phúdair ghunna agus na saighdiúirí ab fhearr ar bord acu casadh ar ais. Tháinig na 4000 a bhí fágtha i dtír i gCionn tSáile i nDeireadh Fómhair 1601 i longa, cosúil leis an nGaileon Spáinneach atá ar taispeáint.
12001 chroch muintir an bhaile macasamhail 'Crann Mór Gaileon Spáinneach' i gcomóradh 400 bliain Chath Chionn tSáile sa bhliain 1601.


the failure of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and the dispersal by storms of two or more during the last years of Philip II, Phillip [sic - Philip] III decided to provide direct support to Irish rebels fighting England in the expectation that tying the English down in that country might draw even more of their resources away from their allies in the Netherlands, the Dutch Estates which were engaged in long running rebellions against Spanish rule. Phillip [sic - Philip] III dispatched Don Juan del Aguila and Don Diego Brochero to Ireland with 6000 men and a significant amount of arms and ammunition. Bad weather separated the ships and nine carrying the majority of veteran soldiers and gunpowder had to turn back. The remaining 4000 disembarked in Kinsale on October 1601 in ships, similar to the Spanish Galleon shown.
This 'Spanish Galleon Mainmast' replica was erected by the town in 2001 to commemorate the 400th. anniversary of The Battle Of Kinsale in the year 1601.
HM NumberHM2JD7
Year Placed2001
Placed ByTown of Kinsale, Cork County Council, National Development Plan, Fáilte Ireland
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, August 4th, 2019 at 8:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)29U E 533176 N 5728192
Decimal Degrees51.70370000, -8.51990000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 51° 42.222', W 8° 31.194'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds51° 42' 13.32" N, 8° 31' 11.64" W
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