Interred in this church yard are the mortal remains of General Thomas Proctor

Interred in this church yard are the mortal remains of General Thomas Proctor (HM2JKI)

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N 39° 56.771', W 75° 8.79'

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1772—Elected a member of the Carpenter's Company and was instrumental in obtaining the use of Carpenter's Hall for the Continental Congress
1775—Commissioned Captain of an artillery company
1776—Major of a Batallion of Artillery
1777—Colonel of a Regiment of Artillery
Fought under General Anthony Wayne at Brandywine and at Chadd's Ford had a horse shot from under him.
1778—His command became part of the Continental Army
1779—Served in the Wyoming Campaign under General Sullivan against the British and Indians
1781—April 10, Resigned his commission in the army
1782—By commission of Congress, served as Major Artillery from December 25, 1782 to October 22, 1783
1783 to 1785 High Sheriff of Philadelphia
1790—City Lieutenant of Philadelphia
1792 to 1798 Served the city and liberties of Philadelphia
1793—Appointed Brigadier General by the Governor of Pennsylvania
1795—In command of the First Regiment marched under General Wayne to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion
1796—June 7, Commissioned Major General of Militia
A Founder of the Song of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia and an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati.
Died at his home Arch St., Between 4th & 5th Sts., March 16, 1806

with military honors in this church yard.
Was twice Worshipful Master of Colonial Lodge No. 2, prior to the Revolution, Worshipful Master of Military Lodge No. 19, and became the first Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 19. F. & A. M. of Pennsylvania, now Montgomery Lodge No. 19. Jan. 13. 1787
Year Placed1936
Placed ByMontgomery Lodge No. 19, F. & A. M. of Pennsylvania
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, August 12th, 2019 at 11:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 487484 N 4421794
Decimal Degrees39.94618333, -75.14650000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 56.771', W 75° 8.79'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 56' 46.26" N, 75° 8' 47.4" W
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