Sturgis's Division, Ninth Army Corps

Sturgis's Division, Ninth Army Corps (HM3U8)

Location: Sharpsburg, MD 21782 Washington County
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N 39° 27.032', W 77° 43.877'

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Sturgis' Division, Ninth Army Corps.

Brig. Gen. Samuel G. Sturgis, Commanding.
September 17, 1862.

On the night of September 16th, Sturgis' Division bivouacked on the eastern slope of the ridge bordering the east bank of the Anitetam to the left of this point. On the morning of the 17th Durell's Pennsylvania Battery and Battery E, 4th U.S. Artillery (Clark's) were put in position on the left of Battery I, 5th U.S. Artillery (Weed's) and on the right of Battery E, 2nd U.S. Artillery (Benjamin's) and the 6th New Hampshire supported by the other regiments of Nagle's Brigade made an unsuccessful attempt to carry the bridge. At 1 p.m. Ferrero's Brigade carried the bridge and the entire division crossed and occupied the high ground beyond, supported on the right by Crook's Brigade of the Kanawha Division.

In the general advance of the Ninth Corps on Sharpsburg the division was held in reserve. Late in the afternoon Nagle's Brigade was sent to the support of Rodman's Division on the left and, after a severe contest, succeeded in checking the right of A.P. Hill's Division.

Ferrero's Brigade was sent in support of Willcox's Division on the right and advanced to Otto's farm lane.
HM NumberHM3U8
Series This marker is part of the Antietam Campaign War Department Markers series
Marker Number58_MARKER_NU
Placed ByAntietam Battlefield Board
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, September 14th, 2014 at 3:18pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 264983 N 4370335
Decimal Degrees39.45053333, -77.73128333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 27.032', W 77° 43.877'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 27' 1.92" N, 77° 43' 52.62" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)301
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 10 Union Advance Trail, Sharpsburg MD 21782, US
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