Opened in 1895, the Banff Park Museum was moved into this building in 1903. Its cross-log motif exemplifies an architectural style common in the town at the time. Norman Bethune Sanson, the museum's curator from 1896 to 1932, energetically developed the collections, initially put together by the Geological Survey of Canada. Throughout its early years the museum dealt with natural and human history but by the late 1950s was limited to natural history. While this building was refurbished in 1985, the exhibit reflects museum interpretation current around 1914.
Le Mus?e du Parc Banff
Ouvert en 1895, le mus?e fut r?install? dans cet edifice en 1903. Son ornementation en rondins crois est typique de l'architecture en vogue ? Banff ? l'?poque. Norman Bethune Sanson, conservateur du mus?e de 1896 ? 1932, s'appliqua avec ?nergie ? developer ses premi?res collections, constitu?es par la Commision g?ologique du Canada. D?di? ? l'origine ? l'histoire naturelle at ? l'histoire de l'homme, le mus?e se limite, depuis la fin des ann?es 1950, ? l'histoire naturelle. Il fut r?nov? en 1985. Sa collection refl?te toutefois la conception mus?ologique qui avait cours vers 1914.
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