July 22, 1864. Hardee's A.C., (CS) consisting of 4 divisions, enroute N. to the rear of Federal forces in E. Atlanta, halted here at dawn to procure guides for a wilderness march ahead.Hardee, his staff & general officers rode to Wm. Cobb's house (still standing) a short distance S.W. where Wm Cobb (of Cobb's Mill) & the miller, Case Turner, agreed to serve as guides. Cobb rode with Cleburne & Maney (Cheatham's old div.); Turner, with Walker & Bate.
Irving Buck, in "Cleburne & His Command," cites the halt at Cobb's Mill, but the identity & services to the guides rest solely on Case Turner's statements to J.W. McWilliams.
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