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Here in 1910, was erected by the Burns Club of Atlanta, Georgia, a building unique in the world—the only exact replica of the Burns cottage near Kirk Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland, birthplace of the world's most beloved poet, and "poet Laureat…
July 22, 1864. Hardee's A.C. (4 divis.), (CS) moving N. to the battlefield, was divided into two columns at this road fork: Clebourne's and Maney's took the W. fork leading to E. Atlanta; Walker's and Bate's, the E. fork or Fayetteville Rd., as di…
Gen. George Maney, comdg. Cheatham's old div. of Hardee's A.C. (CS) at Peachtree Cr., July 20, led the div. July 22 in the Battle of Atlanta. Both Cleburne's & Maney's divs. advanced N.W. on Flat Shoals Road to attack the Federal 17th A.C. aligned…
July 22, 1864. Gen. George Maney's div. (Hardee's A.C.) (CS) attacked the front of Giles Smith's div., 17th A.C. (US) posted on Flat Shoals Road (Leggett's Hill to Glenwood), while Cleburne's div. attacked it from the rear. This forced the withdra…
July 21, 1864. Theses troops and Wheeler's Cav. (CS) were sent from Atlanta on a 15-mile night march to gain the rear of McPherson's Army of the Tenn. (US) in E. Atlanta. Hardee moved out of the city via McDonough Rd. (Capital Avenue) and here tur…
On the E. side of Intrenchment Creek, just above the bridge, stood a grist mill operated by William Cobb, a DeKalb County pioneer. The mill was a notable landmark in the movement of Confederate forces to the field of the Battle of Atlanta, fought …
July 22, 1864. Hardee's A.C., (CS) consisting of 4 divisions, enroute N. to the rear of Federal forces in E. Atlanta, halted here at dawn to procure guides for a wilderness march ahead.Hardee, his staff & general officers rode to Wm. Cobb's house …
July 22, 1864. Walker's & Bate's divs. of Hardee's A.C. (CS) enroute to the rear of the 17th A.C. (US) in E. Atlanta, detoured here along the W. bank of the creek to keep contact with Cleburne's & Maney's divs. (CS) moving upon the Federal left fl…
July 22, 1864. These troops, with Walker's and Bate's divs., Hardee's A.C. (CS) made a 15-mi. night march from Atlanta to attack the rear of McPherson's Army of the Tenn. (US) posted on Flat Shoals Road in East Atlanta. Cleburne's & Maney's move N…
July 22, 1864. The left wing (Giles Smith's div., 17th A.C.) of McPherson's Army of the Tenn. (US) occupied an intrenched line on Flat Shoals Rd. between Leggett's Hill & Glenwood, where it hooked eastward, facing to the south.
Gen. P.R. Clebur…