Erected by
the City of Greenville, South Carolina
in commemoration of
the "Project Southland" Monument
erected on the
Gettysburg Battlefield honoring
The Kershaw Brigade of South Carolina.
A Greenville Pharmancist, Albert M. Goldstine director of Project Southland in cooperation with the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association, was given the honor and privilege to supervise the erection and unveiling of the "P.S." Monument by the U.S. Department of Interior. (Park Service)
Awards to Project Southland Director
November 21, 1970 - Mayor of Greenville Plaque
November 21, 1970 - Mayor of Abbeville plaque
April 28, 1971 - The Order of the Palmetto
Gettysburg Monument - Erected July 23, 1970
Unveiled November 21, 1970
Greenville Monument - Erected January 1973
Unveiled July 2, 1973
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