Ship's Anchor
"The world shall yet decide,
In truth's clear, far-off light,
That the soldiers who wore the gray, and died
With Lee were in the right!"
"Brave men may die - right has no death;
Truth never shall pass away."
"Come from the four winds,
O breath and breathe upon these slain,
That they may live."
South Base:"On fame's eternal camping ground
Their silent tents are spread
And glory guards with solemn round
The bivouac of the dead."
Crossed Swords & Crossed Rifles
Ordinance of Secession
Adopted Dec. 20, 1860
West Footstone:Given in Memory by
William Henry Simpson
July 31, 1907 - May 17, 1992
For His Beloved Abbeville
December 14, 1996
North:Stainless Banner
We have furled it; slowly, sadly;
Once we loved it, proudly, gladly,
And we fought beneath it madly,
Fought in bloody, deathly fray;
For we swore to those who gave it,
In triumph we would wave it,
Or life's crimson ride should lave it,
Ere to blue should yield the gray.
Yes, 'tis taken down all faded,
And like those who bore it, jaded,
For through lakes of blood, they waded
Nor did weary footsteps lag,
Oh! 'Twas hard to fold and yield it,
While a man was left to shield it,
For 'twas Dixie's Bonnie Flag.
"Honor the Brave."
They knew their rights and dared to main them."
Erected by the Daughters of the
Confederacy of
Abbeville County, 1906.
Laurel Wreath
National Flag
Dario Rossi
Dedicated to the soldiers of
Abbeville District.
East Base:The first mass meeting for secession was
held at Abbeville, S.C., Nov. 22, 1860.—————The last cabinet meeting was held at
Abbeville, S.C., May 2, 1865.
East Footstone:First Monument Erected
August 23, 1906
Destroyed by Fire
December 28, 1991
Second Monument Erected
December 14, 1996
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