Erected by Sullivan - Dunklin Chapter D.A.R.

Erected by Sullivan - Dunklin Chapter D.A.R. (HMANE)

Location: Honea Path, SC 29654 Greenville County
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N 34° 33.7', W 82° 15.917'

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Approximately 2 miles s.e. is the corner of the Old Indian Boundary Line. Nearby is also the original site 1785 of the following:

Lebanon Church, the Rev. Mark Moore's School, the Grove Settlement.

The church organizers 1785 were: the Rev. Mark Moore & families of Arnolds, Bowmans, Dunklins, Camps, Gores, Ragsdales, Sullivan, Ridgeways. Property donor - Mary Charlton Sullivan.

Builders of the 2nd structure 1832: Rev. Barnett Babb, Benj. Camp, Wm. Mears, Abijah Pinson. Property donor - Mrs. Hewlitt Sullivan.

Trustees of 3rd building 1859 were: Anderson, Humbert, Latimers, McCulloughs, Ragsdales, Sullivans. Property conveyors & erectors were: Dr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. James Latimer, John Jerry, Dr. James Sullivan.

Revolutionary Soldiers and Heroines of the Lebanon Area
[Left-Hand Column]
Col. Benj. Arnold, Col. Jonathan Downs, Col. Jhn. Brockman, Col. Benj. Kilgore, Col. Samuel Wharton, Col. Wm. Toney, Capt. Thos. Hamilton, Capt. George Martin, Capt. Jno. Ridgeway, Capt. Hewlet Sullivan, Lt. Jno. Camp, Lt. Wm. Choice, Lt. Jno. Calhoun, Lt. Joseph Dunklin, Lt. Oen Sullivan, Lt. James Sullivan, Sgt. Claiborn Sullivan, Sgt. Stephen Sullivan, Sgt. Peter Ragsdale, Charles Sullivan, Mary Charlton Sullivan, Pleasant Sullivan, Hendrick Arnold, Thos. Arnold, Temperance Arnold, Charity Adhold, Ann Hendrick Arnold, Elizabeth Harvey

[Right-Hand Column]:
Joel Chandler, Wm. Davenport, Mary Dunklin, Jno. Dunklin, Jeremiah Glenn, Thos. Gore, Wm. Terry, Jane Hicks, Wm. Holland, Martha Johnson, Wm. Kelly, Thos. Moore, Wm. Perritt, Thos. Lindley, James McDavid, Henry Machen, Martin Mahaffey, Edward Nash, George Mayberry, Jno. O'Dell, Wm. Powell, Wm. Shipp, Clayborn Sims, Robt. Scott, David Smith, Benj. Arnold, Sr., Samuel Bolling, Thos. Camp, Jerry Webb
Series This marker is part of the Daughters of the American Revolution series
Placed BySullivan - Dunklin Chapter D.A.R
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 18th, 2014 at 1:11pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 383925 N 3825162
Decimal Degrees34.56166667, -82.26528333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 33.7', W 82° 15.917'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 33' 42.00" N, 82° 15' 55.02" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)864
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1450 Dunklin Bridge Rd, Honea Path SC 29654, US
Alternative Maps Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, MSR Maps, OpenCycleMap, MyTopo Maps, OpenStreetMap

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