Rude's Hill

Rude's Hill (HMBBR)

Location: New Market, VA 22844 Shenandoah County
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N 38° 42.157', W 78° 38.922'

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Knoll of Refuge and Attack

— 1864 Valley Campaign —

The spring of 1864 opened with United States forces pressing Confederate armies defending fronts scattered throughout the Confederacy. Union Gen. Franz Sigel was assigned the task of securing the Shenandoah Valley; always one of the Civil War's most hotly contested areas. On the last day of April 1864,Sigel, with 9,000 men and 28 guns, marched south from Martinsburg. By May 11, Sigel's advance ran into Confederates posted at Rude's Hill under the command of a MarylandConfederate, Capt. T. Sturgis Davis. Davis and his commander, Gen. John Imboden, were able to delay the Federal advance until Gen. John C. Breckinridge arrived at New Market with his small army, including the Virginia Military Institute Cadet Battalion. On the eve of his May 15th success at New Market, Breckinridge advanced his artillery to the crest of this hill where theyshelled Sigel's disorganized, retreating Federals.

Rude's Hill was again the site of Confederate refuge during the days following their demoralizing and humiliating defeat at the Battle of Fisher's Hill, September 22, 1864. Gen. Jubal Early deployed his Confederate infantry into line of battlealong the crest of the hill to checkthe Federal advance before retiringon to Brown's Gap in the Blue Ridge.

On Oct. 3. 1864, the famous partisan ranger, Capt. John H. McNeill,led a command of approximately50 men in a predawn attack againsta Federal detachment guarding theShenandoah River bridge. Mortally wounded in this attack, McNeill was carried by his comrades to "Locust Grove," formerly the Rude home, where he was cared for untilremoved south to Harrisonburg where he died. During his stay at Locust Grove his disguised identity was uncovered by Gen. Philip Sheridan, now the Federal commander, who reported "McNeill was mortally wounded and fell into our hands. This was fortunate, as he was the most daring and dangerous of allthe bushwackers in this section of the country."
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Date Added Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 at 9:11pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 704465 N 4286400
Decimal Degrees38.70261667, -78.64870000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 42.157', W 78° 38.922'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 42' 9.42" N, 78° 38' 55.32" W
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Area Code(s)540
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5332 Old Valley Pike, New Market VA 22844, US
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