In the 18th century, Copp's Hill was higher than it stands today. On April 23, 1775, just a few days after the battles of Lexington and Concord, British Admiral Samuel Graves received General Gage's permission to construct a redoubt on Copp's Hill to protect his ships from rebel fire from Charleston. His seaman dragged six 24-pound cannons up the hill and built a temporary battery above the burying ground to the southwest (across the intersection of Hull and Snow Hill streets.) At 9:00 am on June 17, 1775, the Copp's Hill battery opened fire on the Colonial forces across the harbor. Later in the day, the battery was directed to fire "carcasses" (cannon balls containing combustible fuel) at the town of Charleston, causing a fire that destroyed the town.
General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne watched the Battle of Bunker Hill from the Copp's Hill Battery and wrote that it was "one of the greatest scenes of war that can be conceived . . . before us a great and noble town in one great blaze - the church steeples, being timber, were great pyramids of fire above the rest; behind us the church steeples and heights of our own camp covered with spectators of the rest of our army which was not engaged; the hills around the country covered with spectators . . . the roar of cannon, mortars and musquetry . . . ."
Robert Newman, (1752-1806)
"One if by land, two if by sea"
The commemorative marker along the Snow Hill Street fence suggests that Robert Newman (W-22), breeches-maker and sexton of Christ Church (now Old North Church at the bottom of Copp's Hill), is buried in Tomb 41. It was Newman who, at the age of 23, hung the lantern in the Christ Church steeple as a signal to Paul Revere and others on April 18, 1775.
Captain Daniel Malcom (1725-1769)
Legend states that the holes in Daniel Malcom's stone (D-86) are from British soldiers at the Copp's Hill battery conducting target practice against a "true son of liberty." Captain Malcom was born in Maine and moved to Boston around 1750. A mariner, merchant and (according to the British) smuggler, he was one of the most vigorous opponents of the British Revenue Acts. In September of 1766, customs officers tried to search Malcom's house and cellar for smuggled wine. Malcom "solemnly swore . . . if any man attempted to open it, he would blow his brains out." When a mob formed, the customs officers withdrew. Malcom was also arrested for his part in unloading a cache of wine under cover of darkness from John Hancock's sloop Liberty in April 1768. Capt. Malcom was a "Son of Liberty" and an active member of the Charitable Irish Society, serving as its Vice President at the time of his death. Ironically, his brother John Malcom was a customs officer, who was twice tarred and feathered. Daniel Malcom's wife Ann (Fudge) Malcom (c. 1730-1770) (D-85) died only six months after her husband. Their gravestones were carved by their good friend, Capt. John Homer, whose cellar was raided by customs officers only a few weeks before Malcom's death. Malcom's father, Michael Malcom (d. 1775) (D-84), and possibly his sister, Sarah Malcom (d. 1767) (D-83), are buried next to them.
"Here lies buried in a Stone Grave 10 feet deep Capt. Daniel Malcom who departed this Life October 23d 1769 Aged 44 Years.
a true son of liberty
a Friend to the Publick
an Enemy to oppression
and one of the foremost
in opposing the Revenue Acts
on America"
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