The Corey Land Company, a group of prominent local businessmen headed by Robert Jemison, Jr., developed Belview Heights as a neighborhood for the professional employees of U.S. Steel in the 1910's. Extending the grid system being used in Ensley over the topography of the 30 square block area, Jemison created a neighborhood of rolling streets and avenues, occasional steeply pitched lots, and captivating views. In 1915, the city of Birmingham set the architectural tone for Belview Heights when it erected a Tudor Revival-fire station at the corner of Avenue Q and 44th Street, the eastern edge of the neighborhood. In the 1920s, the neighborhood saw the biggest boom in residential construction. Scores of Tudor Revival-style dwellings began overshadowing the Bungalow / Craftsman, Minimal Traditional, and Spanish Revival homes built in the area. Even during the depths of the Great Depression, Belview Heights remained a popular residential neighborhood and home construction remained steady until the advent of World War II. The Belview Heights Historic District was entered in the National Register of Historic Places in June 2000.
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