Site of McLaurin Massacre

Site of McLaurin Massacre (HMG65)

Location: Mountain Home, TX 78058 Real County
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N 29° 48.76', W 99° 46.476'

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(Last Indian Raid in Frio Canyon)

On April 19, 1881, Catherine "Kate" Ringer McLaurin (Sometimes McLauren) was with her three small children and 14-year old Allen Lease in the garden when a band of Lipan Apaches started to plunder her home. Lease, thinking there were pigs in the house, went to investigate the noise and was shot and killed. Catherine was also shot, dying hours later, but her children were unharmed. Maud, age 6, went for help because her father, Jouh McLaurin, was away. Neighbors gave chase for 70 miles before soldiers from Fort Clark took command. Soldiers trailed the party into Mexico, reportedly killing all but two.
HM NumberHMG65
Marker Number4831
Year Placed1968
Placed ByTexas Historical Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 at 2:51am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14R E 425150 N 3298279
Decimal Degrees29.81266667, -99.77460000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 29° 48.76', W 99° 46.476'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds29° 48' 45.60" N, 99° 46' 28.56" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)830
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 4831 Ranch Rd 336, Mountain Home TX 78058, US
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