First United Methodist Church of Florence

First United Methodist Church of Florence (HMGNB)

Location: Florence, TX 76527 Williamson County
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N 30° 50.398', W 97° 47.471'

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In 1856, Florence was a small settlement of log cabins and a store or two. It also has a stone building (300 ft. ESE), used as a church and meeting place, on land donated in 1845 by John C. Caskey. Before that time, settlers worshiped in homes and other meeting places.

The Methodist congregation in Florence shared the stone building, just as it shared its pastor. Early Methodist ministers in Texas rode circuits, serving several communities, the Florence mission, part of the Waco district, was at the head of a circuit. In 1858, Rev. John Carpenter was officially appointed to the church as its first pastor.

The congregation bought additional interest in the building, with full ownership in 1910. Members remodeled it and used it until 1924, when they sold it for use as a primitive Baptist church. The Methodist congregation built a new church at this site in 1924 and used it until erecting a brick church in 1968.

Over the years, the Florence Methodist Church has served the community through its organizations. The Home Mission Society, established in 1890, later became the Women's Society of Christian Service. The Methodist men, in 1957, created a livestock program to raise funds for a new parsonage. Youth groups have also been an important part of the church's mission, with the first junior league established in 1900. The congregation was voted church of the year in 1960 by the central Texas confederate of the Methodist church. Its name changed in 1968 to the First United Methodist Church of Florence, and it continues to be a vital part of its community.
Marker Number14355
Year Placed2002
Placed ByThe Texas Historical Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 1st, 2014 at 12:16pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14R E 615597 N 3412491
Decimal Degrees30.83996667, -97.79118333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 30° 50.398', W 97° 47.471'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds30° 50' 23.88" N, 97° 47' 28.26" W
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Area Code(s)254
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 303 E Curry St, Florence TX 76527, US
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