June 25, 26, 1864. These troops being designated to assault Confederate forces on Kennesaw Spur, moved to this sector & were aligned astride the Burnt Hickory rd. at this point.
June 27. Walcutt's brigade (Harrow's div.) N. of rd.; G.A. Smith's astride the rd., & Lightburn's S. of it (M. L. Smith's div.), moved E. toward Kennesaw Spur where the attack fell upon Gen. S.G. French's div., (Loring's A.C.), [CS] & the right of Hardee's A.C. [CS] just S. of it.
This assault failed to break the Confederate line; a similar one, at Cheatham Hill, 2.5 mi. S., was also devoid of results — the 2 engagements known as the Battle of Kennesaw Mtn.
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