Glen Rock Honor Roll

Glen Rock Honor Roll (HMLNZ)

Location: Glen Rock, NJ 07452 Bergen County
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N 40° 57.767', W 74° 8.088'

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World War 1914 - 1918
Glen Rock Honor Roll
They Fought The Good Fight. They Finished
The Course. They Kept The Faith
* Peter W. Ebbert · * Frederick Jensen · * Mortimer Kerr · * Jacob E. Phillips · * Frank Squires · John Ackerman · Roland Banister · Theodore Bauma · Leo W. Bolte · Frank A. Blum · Frank Buycher · John Christopher · Maurice Clark · Benjamin A. Conklin · Joseph Conklin · Max R. Cramer · Ralph S. Cramer · Carl W. Daines · Frank Daley · George Stanley Dart · David C. De Ferrari · Ellory De Groat · Edo De Young · Charles W. Duffin. Jr. · Stanley Elsworth Elwood · John P. Erlenbach · Gerald Faber · Carlos Fajardo · Raymond J. Fisher · Frederick Freestone · Harding U. Greene · Prentice Hengevelt · Harold L. Henriques · Everett L. Hoffmire · Howard Hoffmire · George C. Hubschmitt · John R. Humma · Arthur J. Kidd · Samuel King · Tunis King · Harold W. Lampe · Cornelius Lont · Humphrey Lloyd · Joseph C. Loughery · Gordon Duvar MacDougall · Eugene McCoy · Peter McDonald · Richard H. Mann · Louis Marron · Hudson May · Arthur May · Leroy May · Walter Meyer · Gordon Miesse · Arthur H. Miller · Howard Verplanck Miller · John E. Miller · George Monro · William Monro · John Morey · John J. Mulqueen · John Nally · Jesse Louis Nunn · George T. Parker · Cornelius R. Peckart · Edgar Peter · Henry E. Post · Nicholas Postma · Harold Rasmussen · Edward H. Riopel · Lester Robertson · Donald Ryder · Philip Schuyler · Willet B. Sherwood · John Frederick Simonson · John T. Sinclair · Garret Sinkway · Joseph I. Smith · John B. Smith · Floyd Snyder · Herbert Spendlove · Herbert C. Stubbs · John Tourse · J. Olen Van Blarcom · Barney Van De Weert · Ralph Van Orden · Louis Van Winkle · John F. Walter. Jr. · Leslie White · James Wilkie · George Winter · William H. Winter · Lester Zabriskie
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 at 10:49am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 572805 N 4534986
Decimal Degrees40.96278333, -74.13480000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 57.767', W 74° 8.088'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 57' 46.02" N, 74° 8' 5.28" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)201
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 140 Rock Rd, Glen Rock NJ 07452, US
Alternative Maps Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, MSR Maps, OpenCycleMap, MyTopo Maps, OpenStreetMap

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