Brick Hotel

Brick Hotel (HMLQ1)

Location: Newtown, PA 08560 Bucks County
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N 40° 13.763', W 74° 56.194'

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Newtown Heritage Walk No. 29

Prior to 1750, there existed a dwelling on this site, 1 East Washington Avenue, which had been built by Shadrach Walley, Newtown's first settler. Amos Strickland, a farmer and entrepreneur from Philadelphia, bought the property in 1760. In 1763, he built a two-story brick residence, firing the bricks in his kiln on the outskirts of town. During the American Revolution, Strickland hosted George Washington's staff and captive Hessian officers in December 1776.

After Strickland's death in 1779, the mansion house was sold and converted into a tavern that became known as the Brick Hotel. In the early 19th century, the Brick Hotel was a favorite stop for Philadelphians who boated to Bristol and then took a coach to Newtown. The brick addition on the west side (top left) was built in about 1835 by Joseph Archambault. At the turn of the century, the Brick Hotel had 39 rooms, was heated by steam throughout and was the oldest hotel in operation in Newtown. Large Combination Sales (auctions) were held on the grounds of the Brick Hotel in the early 1900's. The Brick Hotel has been a landmark in Newtown as a tavern, hotel and restaurant over the years and continues today.
HM NumberHMLQ1
Year Placed2007
Placed ByThe Brick Hotel and Newtown Historic Association
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 17th, 2014 at 3:02am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 505396 N 4453218
Decimal Degrees40.22938333, -74.93656667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 13.763', W 74° 56.194'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 13' 45.78" N, 74° 56' 11.64" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)908, 609
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5 Washington Ave, Newtown PA 08560, US
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