St. Johns Baptist Church

St. Johns Baptist Church (HMLRP)

Location: Ehrhardt, SC 29081 Bamberg County
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N 33° 4.104', W 81° 3.953'

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(Front text)
This church, established 1829 30, was first named Three Mile Creek Church and held early services in a brush arbor 4 mi. W on the Salkehatchie River. In 1839 it moved to this site donated by George Kinard, and was renamed St. Johns Baptist Church. A permanent sanctuary was soon built, some of which is still extant within the present sanctuary, renovated in 1865, 1938, and 1961.
(Reverse text)
In February 1865, near the end of the Civil War, Federal troops took up the floorboards for a bridge over the Salkehatchie River and stabled their horses in the church; the U.S. government reimbursed the church for damages in 1912. Two of St. Johns' most prominent ministers were Rev. E.W. Peeples, who served 1877-1908, and Rev. E.W. Hollis, who served 1933-1961.
Marker Number5-5
Year Placed1997
Placed ByThe Congregation
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 10th, 2014 at 7:44am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 493850 N 3658871
Decimal Degrees33.06840000, -81.06588333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 33° 4.104', W 81° 3.953'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds33° 4' 6.24" N, 81° 3' 57.18" W
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Area Code(s)803
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 2535 State Rd S-5-93, Ehrhardt SC 29081, US
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