Jerome, Arizona

Jerome, Arizona (HMM49)

Location: Jerome, AZ 86331 Yavapai County
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N 34° 45.048', W 112° 6.958'

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Too Strong to Die

The first mining claims were filed in 1876, within 20 years Jerome was a billion dollar copper mecca and one of the wildest, wickedest mining towns in the west. Drinking, gambling, brawls and frolicking with ladies of the night occurred around-the-clock in two dozen magnificent saloons.

By the time mining shut down in 1952, enough copper had been produced to put 13 pounds in the hands of every citizen in the world. Gold and silver production covered mining expenses.

Through the efforts of the historical society, Jerome became one of the west's most celebrated 'Ghost Towns'. Although this image persisted into the 1970's Jerome's population grew in the 1960's. Buildings began to be restored to their graceful pre-1953 conditions, and in 1970 Jerome was designated a National Historic Landmark.

Today , Jerome is an arts oriented village of 500. A million tourist a year stroll it's twisted streets and gape at the 100-mile views. With its rich history and tenacious citizens Jerome is a town too strong to die.
HM NumberHMM49
Series This marker is part of the E Clampus Vitus series, and the National Historic Landmarks series.
Year Placed1995
Placed ByLost Dutchman Chapter 5917, E Clampus Vitus
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, October 10th, 2014 at 8:27am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)12S E 397856 N 3845975
Decimal Degrees34.75080000, -112.11596667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 45.048', W 112° 6.958'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 45' 2.88" N, 112° 6' 57.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)928
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 208 Main St, Jerome AZ 86331, US
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