[Masonic Emblem]
George Walton
(1749 - 1804)
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Patriot - Soldier - Statesman - Jurist - Freemason
Born a Virginian he became a Georgian in about 1770.An early leader in the Liberty Movement in Savannah;Colonel in the Revolutionary Army; Member of the 2nd Continental Congress; Chief Justice of Georgia,1783-1786; United States Senator, 1795 - 1796;Governor of Georgia, 1779 and 1789; State Legislatorand Superior Court Judge; Trustee of the Academy of Richmond County, Augusta, and of the StateUniversity at Athens. Named in his honor are thecounty of Walton, and two Masonic Lodges: WaltonNo. 200, Jasper County, Ga., and George WaltonNo. 699, Augusta Ga.
This immortal Georgian and American, whose lasthome, "Meadow Garden," stands here, and whosehonored remains are buried here in Augusta, notonly shed his blood for American liberty butdedicated the rest of his life to the successfulerection of civil government in his state and nation.An active and faithful member of Solomon's LodgeNo. 1, F. & A.M. of Savannah, Ga. , his name willever be held in highest veneration by the Freemasons of Georgia.
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